Kubernetes Volume
Github: https://github.com/vfarcic/k8s-specs
Start minikube and enable ingress
minikube start --vm-driver=virtualbox
minikube addons enable ingress
Start a pod called docker
based on the docker image:
kubectl run docker --image=docker:17.11 --restart=Never docker image ls
Show the pod status:
kubectl get pods --show-all
Show the logs:
kubectl logs docker
Delete the pod:
kubectl delete pod docker
allows us to mount a file or a directory from a host to Pods and, through them, to containers. Other types are Directory/DirectoryOrCreate
, File/FileOrCreate
, Socket
, CharDevice
, BlockDevice
Create the pod:
kubectl create -f volume/docker.yml
List the docker images:
kubectl exec -it docker -- docker image ls
Delete the pod:
kubectl delete -f volume/docker.yml
Show the yml definition:
cat volume/jenkins.yml
Create the object:
kubectl create -f volume/jenkins.yml --record --save-config
kubectl rollout status deploy jenkins
Open in browser:
open "http://$(minikube ip)/jenkins"
Get the pod name:
POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods \
-l service=jenkins,type=master \
-o jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.name}")
Kill the main process:
kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME kill 1
Get the pods:
kubectl get pods
Open in browser:
open "http://$(minikube ip)/jenkins"
open "http://$(minikube ip)/jenkins/newJob"
cat volume/jenkins-empty-dir.yml
Apply it:
kubectl apply -f volume/jenkins-empty-dir.yml
Wait the rollout finish:
kubectl rollout status deploy jenkins
Do the same process above and the job is persistent.
An emptyDir
Volume is created when a Pod is assigned to a node. It will exist for as long as the Pod continues running on that server.
can survive container failures. When a container crashes, a Pod is not removed from the node. Instead, Kubernetes will recreate the failed container inside the same Pod and, thus, preserve the emptyDir Volume.